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Showing posts from 2019

October news from EL

Hello! We hope that you and your family are doing well during this season of changing weather. This is the English Learning (EL) blog. If you would like to receive blog updates directly in your mailbox, please click on the "subscribe" button above. Volunteer Paperwork You might have heard that there was a change in procedure for volunteering in your child's classroom or chaperoning field trips. We will help you with the paperwork! If you think you would like to go on a field trip or ECO with your child this year, please contact one of us by email or phone and we will help you with the paperwork.  Bad weather: If there is very bad ("inclement") weather, school may be delayed or cancelled. When school is delayed, students start 2 hours later than usual. Upcoming events: Wednesday, November 6 - late start - students start 2 hours later than usual. Monday & Tuesday November 25 & 26 - no school for parent-teacher conferences. Wednesda...

Book Bag Returns!

If you have a book bag at home, please return it this week.  We will check and update the bags.  Then, you will be able to borrow a bag for the summer!

Parents' Group Social Gathering

The UES Parents' Group invites you to a social gathering.  You will learn more about Parents' Group activities and get to know other UES parents.  Thursday, April 4th, 6:30-8:00 pm at Cafe Anna at the Vermont College of Fine Arts. 

Thanks for coming!

Many thanks to all the parents and families who took time from your busy schedules to come to the EL Family Community Evening yesterday. It was great to connect with so many of you, and to hear your questions and thoughts about Union Elementary School. Principal Ryan Heraty recommended the book Raising Kids Who Read: What Parents and Teachers Can Do . It is available on Amazon! As always, please feel free to contact any of us at any time with any questions, concerns, or ideas. Hannah Barden Sylvia Fagin Laura Rooney

Please join us for the EL Family Community Evening, Wednesday, March 27, 6:00pm

Lantern Parade Tonight!

I hope you can join us for the UES Lantern Parade tonight! The parade starts at UES at 6:00.  Students should arrive in their classroom between 5:20 and 5:40 to collect their lantern and line up for the parade.  The parade will end on the state house lawn at where hot chocolate and cider will be served and there will be music and entertainment.  This parade is a well-loved UES tradition!  See you there!