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Showing posts from June, 2020

Swoop Parade!

Swoop Parade! Wednesday June 10th, starting at 4:00pm. Come on out to cheer on Swoop!  Swoop, the UES mascot, will tour our town and wave to our kiddos. Here is the route: -UES to National Life Drive -Northfield Street to Colonial Drive -Northfield Street to River Street -Berlin Street to Sherwood Drive -River Street to Barre Street -Main Street to East State Street -College Street to Upper Main Street -Towne Hill to Grandview -Towne Hill, Main Street to Elm Street -Elm Street to turn around at the pool -Elm Street to State Street -State Street to Bailey Ave -Clarendon to Deerfield -back to UES

Important End of Year Updates

Hi Everyone, Here are some important updates about the end of the school year: The last day of school is June 11th.  It is officially a "half day." 😊 If your child has a school chromebook or other device, it must be returned to Montpelier High School on Friday, June 12th .  Please return it between 7am and 2pm.  Children do not need to continue to use the Lexia and Freckle apps during the summer.  However, you can still use the apps through the summer, if you'd like.  The passwords will remain the same.  Teachers will not be posting new activities to Freckle, so only the adaptive practice will be available.  We miss all our kids and hope you are well!  Have a safe and peaceful summer. Love, Hannah, Sylvia, and Laura

Food available ~ Masks ~ Tick prevention

Free Food The Vermont Foodbank is giving away food to any family who needs it. When : Thursday, June 4th, 10am-2pm Where : Edward F. Knapp State Airport, 1979 Airport Rd., Berlin, VT 05641 What : meat, produce, dairy, non-perishable foods Food is available while supplies last. More details here. Masks If anyone in your family needs a cloth face covering, please contact either Sylvia, Hannah or Laura, and we will get them for you. Ticks Ticks are very small insects that carry harmful diseases, including Lyme disease. Ticks live in tall grass and forests. To prevent tick bites: Avoid areas where ticks live, such as tall grass and piles of leaves. Wear long pants and tall socks when going in the forest. Use EPA-registered tick repellant. After being in tall grass or the forest, check your clothing and body for ticks. Here is more information about ticks from the Vermont Department of Health: Chinese English French Spanish