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Showing posts from September, 2021

COVID testing for students, and Caregivers Alliance meeting

COVID Testing for Students Starting on Monday, September 20, MRPS schools will administer COVID tests to students.  Testing will happen only if parents says "yes" to the testing. To give your permission ("consent"), fill out this form . A part-time school nurse will do the testing on Mondays. There is no cost for the testing. Families will be able to see the results online within 72 hours. If you have questions, contact UES school nurse Megan Spaulding at . Here is a video about the testing process. More details are available in this letter from Superintendent Bonesteel (Sept. 13). Caregivers Alliance Meeting The UES Caregivers Alliance (UESCA) is a collective of caregivers who support a welcoming, inclusive UES community. Please note our first meeting has changed and will be on Thursday, September 23 from 7:30-9pm.  Click Here  for the meeting link. Korean UES 간병인 연맹(UESCA)은 환영하고 포용적인 UES 커뮤니티를 지원하는 간병인의 집합체입니다. 저희는 모든 간병인, 교육자 및 가족 중심의 학...

Welcome, or welcome back, to Union Elementary School!

It has been wonderful to see your children this week. We are enjoying being back in person and working with our learners. Here are some changes and details for this school year: New start time School starts at 8:00a.m. this year.  Classes enter the building at 8:00 promptly, so it's great if children can arrive a few minutes before 8:00.  You can drop your child starting at 7:50. Breakfast and lunch This year, all students can get hot lunch and breakfast free of charge.  Classroom teachers are sending home sign-up papers  each week. Check your child's home folder for this paper.  The September lunch menu is here .  If a day's lunch contains meat, a vegetarian option is available.  If you would like your child to have the vegetarian option, check "vegetarian" on the sign-up paper. Breakfast comes in a paper bag and is given to kids at the end of the day. They can take it home and eat it at home. We are not eating breakfast at school this year. Stay home...